Back to School Tips

It’s back to school time and with that there are many things to consider. It’s time to get prepared and organized for the upcoming school year. Here is a brief list of what you can put together to make this time as easy and as uncomplicated as possible.

For homeschool families the back to school preparation may be different than for public or private school families. However, there are some very similar things that need to happen.
Study Spaces – some families do school at home at the kitchen table or they may have a school room. What is really important is that the area is free of distraction, has what the student needs close at hand and is conducive to learning. Just imagine yourself reading a book in the area. Could you stay focused?
Field Trips – it is good for every homeschool family to take part in field trips. At the beginning of the year it can be fun to look at the calendar, find out what is available in your area, and make plans in advance. Then each family member knows that there is an outing to look forward to. It’s also good if your curriculum is in place so that you can plan field trips according to what you are studying so that it reinforces what is being taught.
Household Schedule – It is crucial to come up with a household schedule that works for your family. The schedule does not have to be firm but it helps kids when events are somewhat predictable.
Homeschool Records and Attendance Forms – If your school district or state laws dictate that you need to fill out forms so that your children are exempt from school attendance make sure that you get the forms in on time. This will save you a lot of trouble down the road.
Curriculum – Whether you create your own curriculum or order a “boxed” curriculum things need to be under way. Be sure that whatever curriculum you are using meets your states requirements. If you check on your state department of education website the requirements are usually posted for the public.
Socialization – Be sure that you plan plenty of activities for the children to socialize with others. This can be in community groups or church groups or anything else. Group lessons are a great idea as well as homeschool groups.